Saturday, August 27, 2011


Well, after two months of personal training once a week plus some other gym classes here and there when time permits I decided to weigh myself and see how far I've gotten on my pregnancy weight loss journey.
Well, I came in at 1.3kgs under what I started at. This result was a little bit disappointing but at least it was a loss. My trainer tried to make me feel a bit better by saying that I'm much more toned and have to consider the fact that I've probably built muscle which is of course heavier than fat but that still doesn't make me feel much better. Those things don't bring me any closer to fitting back into my pre-pregnancy jeans but seeing the numbers go down on the scales will!!
Anyway, just wanted to share my good (even though disappointing) news. I must admit I can definitely tell my bulging stomach is alot less bulging but other than that I really can't see much difference in myself considering how much effort I've been putting in. Especially since bub is 5 months old now.
It's just not fair, pregnancy weight is seriously the hardest type of weight to lose when you're not a naturally thin person to start with.
Oh well, here's to a much better result next month (fingers crossed!) :-)

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